Friss topikok

  • Ismeretlen_57955: Örülök :) (2011.06.27. 22:33) Oskola
  • Ismeretlen_186000: Hey what the fuck is wrong with you ? Ripping Off my entire Vampirefreaks profile AND my (2011.06.16. 08:07)
  • rotten: Jó blog, érdekes lány. (2011.04.28. 18:58) Never again
  • Ismeretlen_74280: jaj, nem azért mondtam, hogy szégyeld magad, csak érdeklődtem. egyébként jobbulást! (2011.02.13. 19:09) I'm alive
  • Ismeretlen_74280: élsz még, te lány? (2011.02.12. 15:59)


2009.06.18. 08:14 I-SEE-STARS

[beautiful_error] : June 17, 2009, 04:59pm
>thank you^^
does that mean that european ppl are not attractive in general according to you? XD


The Europeans may be attractive, indeed, many people attractive, just... there is not much interesting one in them for me, the humanity's predominant part come on like that , you are the exotic ones for me. I am sorry that I was born European sometimes, sometimes no. You know, here the people_nation so grey, boring, stupid, and all of the country depressed. I would be with pleasure what there may not be wants to be :P Ps. No I study religion philosophy. Europe is Christian. The Christianity is a sad religion. There is not a life in our churches, only sad, crying saints. Life denier all of our culture, our notion.


És nem,nem megy ki a fejemből,akkor sem...


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